Monday, February 16, 2009

The Blessing of Fruitfulness!


Robby and I are so happy to announce that the Lord has blessed us and we are now expecting a baby who Lord willing will be born in October!

We are so thrilled and overjoyed at the blessings of God and we are so excited about being parents, we are also a little sobered at all we have to learn and are thankful for family and friends and the abundant grace of God.

Robby is all happy and bouncy and so thrilled to get to be a daddy and my cup is running over with joy. When we found our Robby took me in his arms and we both thanked the Lord together, laughing and crying!

Please pray also that we can locate a good Christian midwife soon, as Robby and I are really wanting a natural home birth. We are so blessed, please pray for our little one that all will go well and I will carry to term and our wee one will be healthy and fear the Lord.

"Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward."
Psalm 127:3

~ Joyful Wife and Mother! :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Laying down our lives...

There is more to Homemaking than Housekeeping!

When I was growing up I had a wonderful godly mother who prepared my to be a good housekeeper and she also taught me that the duty and joys of the wife/mother in home life does not only center around keeping things tidy but also around the spiritual heart of the home. So today as I was reading Passionate Housewives Desperate for God I was so blessed to be exhorted to remember this all over again. I wanted to share some of what I was reading and a passage I was reading from the Word of God.

Ephesians 4:1-2
"I therefor a prisoner of the LORD, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love."

What is our calling? As women of all ages we are called by God to be homemakers and to holy, reverent, godly women who are full of good works and a heart and face of joy. Women who delight in serving God and others. Let us ask God to help us to walk worthy of our high calling. Let us purpose to pick each other up when we fall down or get tired.

Here are the words that so blessed me today as I read from Passionate Housewives Desperate For God:

Jenny Chancey says....

"You see, homemaking isn't about the house itself or the things that it contains, Being keepers at home is about focusing on the Lord in all the everydayness so that our homes become centers of hospitality, forgiveness, training, business, warfare, charity, shared morning and celebration , and -oh, yes-lots of tracked-in mud, crumbs under the chairs,and everything else that goes with human beings. We must not loose sight of the fact that our homes are God-given tools to bless others. They aren't the end goal; they are, simply, one of the means to the end. And what is the end? Dying to self, laying down our lives, serving others that Christ may grow His kingdom and transform the world and ourselves as we do things His way."
Seek the old paths and walk ye in them, for there you shall find rest for your souls. Jeremiah 6:16

"At its heart homemaking is about accepting God's Word and laying down our lives for the brotheren. It is about keeping our eyes firmly fixed on Christ, Who call us to serve Him in the seemingly insifnificant tasks of evereyday living, training the next generation, reaching out to the needy, demonstrating hospitality to saints and stragers, and living for Christ's "well done" rather thant for the praise and recognition of others.
And that's the secret to a happy and blessed life. Die to live. Go last to be first. Give to receive. Make yourself least to be greatest. Homemakers? God created women to fulfil this uniquie role. That's all we need to know to rest in our callings. We can trust Him to conquer the world, one heart at a time, as we live sacrificially and rejoice in His narrow way."
Lets pray that God will help us to lay down our lives and open our hearts and home to others in need. We want our homes to be centers for Christ and places of spritual growth and rest and places of building up a biblical culture and places of feasting and celebreation, joy and laughter. Places of traing up the next generation to love and fear the Lord. Robby and I want our home to be a plcae where others can taste and see that God is good!
~ Joyful Wife

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cilantro Cubes

Lettuce, onions, and cilantro from my family's garden in South Carolina! I can't wait until Robby and I get our garden going!

Have you ever had a fresh herb that you have lots of go bad in your fridge because you can't use it all up by the time is has wilted? This past weekend I was going to attend the Crossroads 09 conference and I had a bunch of unused cilantro in the refrigerator that I didn't want to loose! So I decided to freeze it in the ice cube trays to save for seasoning later meals! I sure did have a lot of fun doing this and was so happy at the thought that I was saving on the grocery bill and having the luxury of fresh herbs.

Maybe you have a bunch from the store and want to use it wisely or maybe you have an abundence in your garden that you need to harvest and store for the coming days. Here is how to do it:

Cilantro Cubes

1. Thoroughly wash all the cilantro that you plan on freezing and then pat dry with a towel.

2. Finely chop all your cilantro leaves and small steams into about 1/2 -1/4 inch bits. You can use a food processor if you would like.

3. Place in ice tray packing down until the "cubes" are halfway full.

4. Cover with water partway and then place in the freezer. After they have frozen then you will add more water to the top of the tray and refreeze. This step helps to cover any pieces that tried to float to the top.

5. After all the cilantro cubes have frozen you can pop them out and store them in a Ziploc bag.

There you have it "fresh" cilantro to use at any time!

To Use: simply pull out your cube(s) and add to your soups and other meals. If you don't want the little extra water then put into a screen colander and run water over the cube until it has melted, drain and add your cilantro to your recipe. It may not be quite as fresh as the before but is still better that using the dried herb.

You can use this method with other herbs as well like rosemary and parsley. Try and see what works for you!

"Better is a dinner of herbs where love is,
Than a fatted calf with hatred."
Proverbs 15:17

Lets commit to make all our families meals as full of love and uplifting conversation as they are tasty!

~ Joyful Wife