Thursday, December 3, 2009

A season of quiet rejoicing

resting with baby dear

The past 6 weeks have been so full and rich as I am just quietly rejoicing in the joys of motherhood.

I am learning to slow down and just enjoy these special days of getting to know Esther as continue to heal up from the birth. I thank God for these days.

I do apologize for not blogging more, it has just been too far down on the list of things to do. I am also trying to prioritize my days and realize I can't feel guilty at not being able to get everything done each day. I am trying to get the diaper laundry done, make meals and tidy the house and then see what else I might have time for. My dear husband keeps telling me, " take care of you and the baby first and I don't care if anything else gets done."

With baby dear it does seem at times that I rarely get to finish a project all at once, it feels like I take one step forward and two backwards until I remember that the most important thing I can do is to breastfeed my baby and gaze into her eyes and enjoy her taking care of her needs first and foremost. I don't want these days to speed by and look back and regret that my house was perfectly in order and I didn't spend enough time with Esther.

Mommy's happy baby!


Sarah said...

I love that last picture...SOO CUTE!!

You are a wonderful mother, Shannon, and you will not regret these moments with your darling little one. I've figured out that messy houses are just a part of life sometimes. :-)

Randall and Rachel Beita said...

What a sweetie!! So glad you are enjoying these days they go by way to fast! I always try to think what matters in the end something eaten by mold and burned by fire (thought a clean house can have its eternal good on the spirit and relationships) or the souls of our little ones. They are so much more important.