Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A peek into our days

I have some wonderful news to share with you all! God has once again blessed the seed of my husband and has blessed my womb with fruitfulness! We are expecting another little one sometime in January should the Lord will.

We found out because I have once again been so sick and so I took a pregnancy test and it was positive! Robby ran to tell Esther at 5 am in the morning that she was going to be a big sister! We rejoice and are so happy and thank God for this blessing! Our little ones will be about 15 months apart just like my sister Rachel and I.

Pray that God will give me strength for my days as it is so rough to be sick and have a little one to care for at the same time. I admit that it is hard to trust God as I ought to and just thinking about being sick for another 9 months is enough to send me into tears and depression. What a comfort to lean not on my own understanding and strength.

My happy baby Esther in the sunshine

Sweetheart under the great big blue sky - outside is her favorite place to be!

My dear husband faithfully bringing me the Word in the wee hours of the night

It is so hard to believe that when I am carrying Esther now I am carrying two little ones!


Randall and Rachel Beita said...

Love the pictures! Easter is getting so big and beautiful!!

Love you and you are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Oh, such a pleasure to have two little ones.

I am praying for you:)


Jamie said...

Shannon, I am rejoicing with you at this new life God has given your growing family! I also understand your fears at this time and will be praying much grace and trust in the Lord for you! Call me or write anytime, I understand the joy and the suffering you are going through! Much love!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to let you know that I've created a new blog! I'll be subscribing to your posts, and I wanted you to know that it wasn't some stranger. :) I personally prefer to use an online pen name... so when you get a new subscriber that has a funny Jewish sounding name... - yeah. :) that is me! I am looking forward to seeing you again soon.
Cousin Mary