Monday, August 3, 2009

Fresh Garden Salsa!

I have been making a lot of fresh salsa from the yummy veggies in my garden. I have been blessed with some juicy ripe tomatoes and crunchy sweet bell peppers which reminded me of home and my daddy's garden and of all the days spent making salsa with my mom and sisters during the summer months. If you have fresh veggies in your garden try making some salsa today!

Fresh Garden Salsa
(My own recipe that changes all the time.)

2 tomatoes - finely chopped
1 sweet bell pepper - finely chopped
1/2 onion - very finely minced
1/4 cup cilantro - minced
1 jalapeno - seeded and finely minced (opt.)
salt, pepper, and lemon/lime juice to taste

Mix all ingredients and chill before serving.

Enjoy the fresh bounty that God blesses us with. This salsa is a feast for the eyes as well as for the tummy!


Sarah said...

This is so beautiful sis!! Looks so yummy too. I think I'm going to come to your house now. :-)

Randall and Rachel Beita said...

Yummy!! So glad you have a garden. If you have lots of tomatoes try making Aztec Soup.